So many women all over the world have/had this lovely mark somewhere on them at some point. Although it’s surely more common around the plus-sized community and even more common among pregnant women. So, many women of all sizes have dealt with these at some point. We’ve all seen some sort of commercialization of products that help combat these tiger stripes. Before we get into that, what exactly is a stretch mark? The American Academy of Dermatology Association (AAD) defines stretch marks and their cause as a type of scar that’s caused by our skin stretching and shrinking quickly. The collagen and elastin in our skin rupture by the abrupt changes ( As reported by the Medical Encyclopedia from states that stretch marks appear and parallel lines that are most commonly red. The skin will change over time and become whiter and scar-like in appearance.
Stretch marks are something many women; plus size, pregnant, and otherwise have to deal with at some point in their lives. Although pregnancy is the most common cause, it’s surely not the only one. These can happen by losing weight and gaining weight. They also aren’t restricted to just our mid-sections either. They can appear just about anywhere on our bodies.
We all change over time. So, stretch marks seem to be an inevitable experience a lot of us will have at some point. Although doing your best to prevent these little guys from showing up is important, understand that all of our bodies are different. Some women get more stretch marks than others and for different reasons. We’ll explore that here in a bit. Just take comfort in knowing that you are by far not the only one who’s going to have to handle this someday. It’s surely not the end of the world. So, let’s see what we could do, how we can handle the marks and how we should still feel about ourselves.
If you’re still questioning whether you have stretch marks or some other type of dermatological condition, here is what the Mayo Clinic says are the symptoms: (Mayo Clinic,
- Indented lines in the skin
- Most commonly purple, black, red, or blue stripes
- These bright stripes will fade over time
- Streaks happen most commonly on the thighs, hips, buttocks, breasts, and abdomen
- These streaks can cover a large part of any one of these areas
What Causes Stretch Marks?
As we read in the definition from the AAD, stretch marks are scars caused by our skin stretching and shrinking rather rapidly. Stretch marks can be caused by a few specific events though:
- Stretch marks are very common among those going through growth spirts.
- Pregnancy is the largest cause of stretch marks.
- Gaining a lot of weight really fast is another cause.
- On the flip side, so is rapid weight loss.
- Rapid muscle growth, like by an extreme exercise routine, can also cause these scars.
So, we can tell that there are a handful of causes. Most of them being outside of our control. We surely can’t let the fear of stretch marks stop us from becoming healthier by losing weight or by our bodies doing what they do when we become pregnant. Our bodies will change over time and there’s no reason to panic over the inevitable.
A lot of us may notice that we have stretch marks more so in one place on our body than anywhere else. Stretch marks can show up on our abdomen, breasts, hips, buttocks, and thighs (May Clinic, Me though, I also have them on my arms, more the upper part than the lower. Like I said before though, they really do fade over time and are something I’ve grown used to. Not that others have to. We all have parts of ourselves that we would like to improve. That’s totally normal and if someone says differently, they’re lying. Although it’s a good mentality to have, we all have insecurities, but should never let them rule us.
That being said, I wanted to speak to my younger counterparts for a moment. I know a lot of youth tend to struggle with self esteem issues and I know stretch marks don’t help at all. Understand that you’re growing. It’s what’s supposed to happen. I’ve always been of the full-figured variety and very much remember some of the bullying that I had to deal with. I never remember someone picking on my stretch marks, but I also didn’t advertise much of myself because I didn’t want to. I’ve always had the opinion that it’s my body and it’s not your business. I’ve always been modest, but I understand that some girls want to wear bikinis, tankinis, or the crop tops. A lot of us really want to fit in, but don’t let that entangle your whole ideology of yourself. You’re more than your looks and stretch marks should be the last of your concerns. Also, remember that you’re young and our bodies heal best when we’re at your age. They will fade over time, but if you’re feeling particularly bad, talk to your parents or whoever it is that takes care of you. Express your insecurities to those you can trust. Remember though, we’re our worst critics, so be nice to yourself.
Stretch marks themselves change over time as well. They usually start off rather dark, the exact color depends on your existing skin tone, but over time they will fade. As a scar though, they can be tricky to get rid of. Not that we should lose hope. We live in a wonderful day in age and treatments for things like this are being invented all the time.
Stretch Marks Change Over Time
Don’t lose hope when I make this next statement, a lot of doctors say that stretch marks can never be completely erased from our bodies. We’re going to talk about treatments here soon, but it’s important to understand that it’s a journey. Our stretch marks are very much unique to our bodies, our situations, and the causes.
There are definitely times when our bodies are going to change. We all experience weight loss and weight gain, some certainly more than others. That’s not something to be afraid of though. We may notice more marks on our bodies because they’re new stretch marks. I mentioned earlier that stretch marks do change and fade over time, even without any type of treatment. I’ve accepted my stretch marks as a part of me. I’ve had four children, if a part of my body wasn’t affected by that, more women would have an uncountable number of children.
Simply put, sometimes there’s nothing we can do about it. We can surely take comfort in knowing that they surely will fade. Mine started off brighter and darker than I care to remember. Over time though, mine are almost the same color as my skin. The hills and valleys still exist, but they’re very hard to see at this point. Simply aging is going to cause stretch marks, so know that there may be nothing we can do beyond taking good care of ourselves. Our mental health is included in that so please do not feel bad about yourself because of your stripes.
Thankfully society is becoming much more accepting of the full-figured community. Many are even encouraging us to wear and do what everyone else does. I’m not one to wear revealing clothes myself, but many full-figured women are more than comfortable showing off their uniqueness and that’s so amazing. We surely should wear those high waisted shorts and crop tops if we so choose because we’re not only people too, we’re women. Trends are a thing and some of us like to follow them. So, take no shame in your tiger stripes. They’re surely nothing worth worrying that much about.
Stretch Marks are Treatable
There are so many different products advertised to us regularly that claim to help treat and even cure stretch marks. There are home remedies, creams, gels, and more that claim to help rid our bodies of these scars. Let’s face it though, not all products live up to their claims. We don’t need to go spending all of our money or even a lot of it on products that we aren’t sure are going to work. Usually the most inexpensive way to do this is by using home remedies.
Home remedies are great for those who are not only on a budget, but it’s great for those who like to know exactly what we are putting on our bodies. Let’s admit that not all ingredients are safe and actually helpful. Although making things ourselves takes time, it’s worth it to a lot of us. Let’s explore what others have seen to help according to Health Line: (
- Vitamin A: Vitamin A, also known as a retinoid, makes skin appear younger and smoother. This is found in a lot of over the counter topical creams.
- Sugar: Sugar is a common ingredient in a lot of the home-made products made for stretch marks. Sugar has great natural microdermabrasion capabilities.
- Aloe Vera: Although aloe vera is a great and handy ingredient, it hasn’t been proven to help in clinical trials. Women have claimed to have luck with it though, so it’s definitely worth a try. Aloe vera has other benefits as well.
- Hyaluronic Acid: Hyaluronic acid helps boost collagen production. Hyaluronic acid is what helps our bodies produce a good amount of collagen.
- Coconut Oil: Coconut oil has had many studies done because of the healing properties it has. Using coconut oil daily on your stretch marks can really help speed up the fading of these scars.
Not everyone believes in the more homeopathic methods we see becoming more popular. There are plenty of products, such as creams, that claim to help rid us of these annoying scars. Different ingredients do different things so it’s important to understand what to look for. Don’t get too heart set on one product before reading the label. Here are some ingredients and specific types of products we could give a try.
- Retinol: Although retinol can be drying, most products that contain this ingredient also have moisturizing ingredients to combat this symptom. Retinol stimulates collagen production which generates new and even slightly thicker skin.
- Retinol Lotions and Oils: Sometimes, even the moisturizing ingredients they add to products aren’t quite enough. A lotion that contains a lower amount of retinol could really help. Oils are even more moisturizing if your skin is dryer than normal. If you’re reading the ingredient list, remember that it’s ordered starting with the highest volume ingredient. If retinol irritates your skin, try finding one that has retinol a bit lower on the list.
- Alpha or Beta-Hydroxy Acids: These are more known as exfoliants that help gently loosen dead skin cells to help bring our brighter, healthier-looking skin to the surface.
- Sunless Tanner: Although this may not remove our stretch marks, it helps while we find what really will get rid of those stubborn scars. There are lotions out there that help build the color over time so that we don’t turn orange like we can if we use traditional sunless tanner.
- Body Scrub: Although exfoliating alone will not remove your stretch marks, it’s an important part of combating these scars. We’ve talked about collagen and its importance, but removing that dry, rough skin will help us absorb more of the products we are using.
- Body Oil: A lot of body oils actually absorb into our skin faster. Oils that contain important ingredients like vitamin A and E help soften our skin.
The 3 Most Highly Rated Stretch Mark Products on Amazon
There are so many options on the market for us to try. I know ingredients alone can be a little overwhelming for anyone. Especially when we’re trying to fix a problem that’s really bothering us. Places like are a great place to start. When I’m looking for a really good product, I sort the search results by average customer rating instead of by what’s featured. Just a quick tip.
Henitar Medical Silicone Scar Sheets
Something we haven’t discussed yet are products like these. These Henitar scar sheets look a lot like a normal band aid, but in a sheet type of form. These sheets contain medical grade silicone and claim to remove existing scars (not just stretch marks) in 3-6 months. A few great things about this product are the breathability, they firm up our skin, we can reuse them, they’re waterproof, and they reduce pain. They are also close to most skin colors and you can cut the size down to whatever you need. Henitar says there are four steps to remove scars;
- Softening
- Repairs Damage
- Pigment Decomposition
- Skin Regeneration
Although we didn’t discuss these types of products earlier, it’s rather clear that it’s an awesome option. I love how you can really tailor them to what you need. It definitely wouldn’t hurt to combine these with other products. If you’re going to use a cream though, maybe apply the cream at night and wear these sheets during the day.
Top Pregnancy Scars Removal Cream
I’m pleasantly surprised by all the reviews on some of these products. I feel like it’s hard to find a shampoo and conditioner that get these great of reviews. This product claims to help minimize and repair skin damage, scars from pregnancy (stretch marks), surgery, burns, injury, acne, c-section scars, aging and cosmetic procedures. Now, most of us know that it’s not only pregnant women who suffer from stretch marks, but pregnant women all over try to prevent these scars so that’s where they generally advertise. Another great thing about this product is the natural ingredients. Being able to read the ingredients without a degree is awesome.
The description of this product states that this cream is rich in natural ingredients and the formula is able to penetrate into our skin. This provides great hydration while the glycerin works to prevent dryness while also strengthening our skins moisture barrier. They state that mango essential is an active antioxidant that tones skin, exfoliates, and purifies. This combination helps ensure that our skin stay as young as possible for as long as possible.
Using natural ingredients is a great way to not only effectively battle scars, but it helps your consumers feel more comfortable with the product. I don’t know if a lot of us understand the thousand letter word ingredients we tend to see on a lot of products. Or have the time to google all of them. More and more people are also realizing that they have sensitive skin and the products we use have a larger effect on us that we may have once thought.
Beautivity scar cream combines ingredients unique to this product combined with natural ingredients (such as shea butter, rosehip seed oil, and coco butter) which work together to give truly outstanding results. This product claims to; even out skin tone, increase skin firmness, decrease the length and depth of stretch marks and scars, and restore tone and elasticity to your skin.
In order to get the most out of this product, they recommend that you apply this once every 3-4 hours and before you go to bed. When applying it, you want to make sure that your skin is clean and that you gently message it in until it’s dry. This matters because we want to make sure we buy products that also fit into our lifestyle. Some of us won’t have as much time as others so it’s just a little disclosure.
Conclusion: There are so many great products out there that can be a great option for those who are looking to be rid of stretch marks. Obviously, there are an uncountable number of products out there and these are only a few options but given the ratings they are well worth a try.
Don’t Let Stretch Marks Effect How You See Yourself

Stretch marks are something most women of all shapes and sizes are probably going to have to deal with at some point. Most people on this earth are going to have to deal with some sort of self-esteem issue. As full-figured women, most of us already face self-esteem issues and one more thing is not something we need. Or for those pregnant women, you’re bringing life into this world. The last thing you’re going to be thinking about when you hold your baby for the first time is stretch marks.
Weight gain, weight loss, pregnancy, all of these cause these scars. While weight gain is something we can usually control to an extent and should try to work on, weight loss and pregnancy aren’t bad. Losing weight is no joke. It takes a lot of work and when we succeed it’s something we should celebrate.
Being pregnant is not easy. Your body goes through so much, with stretch marks being one of the smaller things we may experience. Also remember that most people, even our significant others, are not paying attention to our stretch marks. IF they are, we need to rid ourselves of those toxic relationships.
What I really hope you took from this is that if you have stretch marks, don’t make a huge deal out of it. If it really is bothering you though, I hope you give some of these tips and products a try. Remember that stretch marks are scars and could be really tough to get rid of. We don’t usually find a solution to a problem in one shot. Also, if you have issues with bra strap scaring, we have the perfect article for you! So, don’t give up because you’re worth it.
- Research Gate, n.d., <>
- American Academy of Dermatology, n.d., <>
- Medline Plus, n.d., <>
- Mayo Clinic, January 3, 2019, <>
- Healthline, Kathryn Watson, January 15, 2020, <>