If you have any meat on your bones or are considered to be “curvy”, I’m sure you’ve dealt with jiggling body parts that happen when we do almost anything active. It would be nice if there was a magical product out there that held all our bits in and we could walk, run, and even play with our kids outside (normally seen as a no-brainer task) without jiggling?
Jiggling body parts can be tamed by doing movements that are less jolting or jumpy. Smooth-movement exercises ease the jiggle factor and reduce pressure on your joints. Sports bras and compression clothes can also be helpful. It is also possible you may also be holding excess pounds of water which can contribute to jiggling body parts.
I Know Why I Jiggle but is There a Way to Stop it?
There are so many reasons why we should be doing more research on this. I know I’m not alone when I say that sometimes, my self-consciousness has stopped me from making good, healthy decisions. It feels hard even when we’re pumped. Losing weight is no joke and a lot of us plus size women have that goal. Your weight is no reason to feel bad about yourself, but I think there are ways to make healthy decisions and make lifestyle changes without feeling even worse or being in pain.
Being hyper aware of gravity, as a plus size woman, can make us more aware of our jiggling parts. Although some work out clothes may be snug, are they snug enough to help? I’d say that depends. I’m sure you hate hearing that answer. Let’s just get this out of the way though, we’re all different. Different parts of our body are bigger or smaller than others and we need unique things to suit us. Some of us have large breasts, thighs and rear end. Others may have smaller breasts, larger stomach, and smaller thighs. There are variations of all of these and don’t be offended if your body type isn’t listed.
You’re not alone, as I’m a combination of all the body types. There are ways to measure and find your shape, but in reality, you’re going to know what jiggles on you. Measurements are probably not required for you to know what area you want to keep a little tighter. Not uncomfortable, but tighter. Being a little uncomfortable won’t kill anyone. Just remember that if you push yourself too hard and end up feeling miserable, you may not complete your goals.
If you worry about jiggling when working out, remember that the jiggling is something that we can handle and it’s no reason to quit. We feel like people are watching us way more than reality. We’re running down the sidewalk, a big truck with a pretty man in it drives by and we freak out. I surely hope that anyone driving down the road is paying more attention to the concrete than what we have going on.
Let’s explore some ways to fix this though. I’m a firm believer in fixing things that will actually help me. We’ve all heard the phrase, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Well, my good people, we aren’t perfect. Although, I don’t feel the need to be fixed, I would still like to feel better about myself. No fix for jiggling is going to get me where I want to be size wise. It could help me feel a little more confident in the process though.
I Don’t Like Exercising because of my Jiggling Body Parts
For those of you that can relate to that statement, I wish I could hug you. I understand how hard it is to keep moving and working as hard as you have to in order to reach your goals. It’s something everyone needs to learn though, or we’ll face more and worsening consequences over time. It’s kind of like smoking. The longer we smoke the more damage we do. The longer we stay overweight, the less healthy we will be as we age.
Granted, we may not see full figured women like we do smokers. Heck, many men prefer a girl that has some meat on her bones. We still need to be active though. No need to be a size 2 but being of good health and doing our best to keep ourselves in good health is important. If we all of a sudden decide to quit, don’t we notice that we tend to gain even more weight? We try, fail and sometimes eat more because we feel like failures. Ugh, sounds like the song of my life. It’s not just the song of my life, but also a bad habit. Emotional eating has no place near my diet and yet, there it is.
I think we’d all be happy to live in a world where we just have to watch what we eat in order to lose weight. Actually, in a perfect world, we’d eat what we want and never become unhealthy. Remember to focus on how you feel, not how you look. That’s why a lot of personal trainers are recommending avoiding weighing yourself too often. Like I said before, if we don’t see that number going down, we’re more likely to give up. No one wants to work out for over an hour just to see that dreaded number stays the same.
They say laughter is the best medicine, too bad it doesn’t give you the abs you want though. Unfortunately, we need to get moving. If jiggling is stopping you from that, you need to keep reading. We’re going to talk about what can help you, what is going to help different areas on your body, specific products that are worth a shot, and much more. Just stick with me. We can surely figure this out together. I surely don’t do research for no reason.
Feeling Discouraged is a Big Hurdle
We really are our own worst critics. We criticize anything and everything. Even when we’re trying to make good and healthy choices, we decide to focus on what’s wrong. We’re literally doing the right thing, but instead of telling ourselves that we’re the queens that we are, we’re paying attention to the parts that we’re working to fix. It’s not like we can expect ourselves to always think good thoughts about ourselves, but we as women (who are proven to be so very strong) need to dig deeper into why we have these problems. We’re not only strong y’all. We’ve got brains as well.
Did you know that there are different types of body fat? I don’t know about y’all, but I sure didn’t. I’ve been heavy most of my life and I was unaware. I’m not one for running, yet. I much prefer walks, but I hope to be able to run as far as I can walk someday. The types of fat I (and others carry) have an effect on our goals and it’s high time we educated ourselves on the matter.
The four types of fat we have and what they do to us:
Fluffy Fat: Fully fat tends to be soft and much more prone to jiggling. While this fat is lightweight, which means you won’t see the number on the scale go down very fast, you’ll notice yourself fitting into smaller clothes. Although fat seems to be able to latch onto us, whenever and wherever, this type of fat usually lands on our stomachs, hips, thighs, and the backs of the arms. This type of fat is hard to get rid of as our bodies tend to hang onto this type of fat in case of pregnancy.
Fibrous Fat: Fibrous fat is the hard-core gangster of the fats. This fat does not let go without a lot of work. The reason being is because this fat doesn’t just exist, but it forms bonds around other types of fats (fluffy fats in particular). This could very well be the last type of fat we would lose in our weight loss journey. This type of fat tends to show its nasty face in the form of rolls. While fluffy fat is easy to pinch, fibrous fat is denser to it tends to be more roll like because of its density and durability. How about we just kick this stuff to the curb eh?
Cellulite: Let’s just take a moment and pause before continuing… Ok. Let me just say, forget cellulite. How about we cancel cellulite? If it’s not a thing yet, we need to make it one. Let’s all comfort one another by looking at statistics. 80-90% of women have cellulite. Let’s see why shall we? Cellulite is a type of fat that gets trapped in the bottom most layers of the skin. Which makes sense as pinching cellulite isn’t usually doable, it’s just there. Cellulite can be caused by hormones, genetics, and by serious weight fluctuation. While it’s important to know as much as we can, we may not know which of those factors causes our cellulite. It comes down to getting rid of that chick because she has to go. Like, yesterday…
Firm Fat: Firm fat, also known at visceral fat, is different than the other types of fats as it lives underneath your muscles that surrounds your internal organs in your abdomen. It feels firm because it’s behind the thickest of muscles that we have. As there are no surgical options to reduce this type of fat, we have to get rid of this stuff by working hard. Although that’s not usually the answer we want to hear, as we all have tried to be healthier, it’s just honest. I can appreciate honestly myself. Sometimes we need to work hard in order to have that reminder to never go back to that again.
(Hallie Gould, brydie.com, March 01, 2020).
Before we go ahead and move on, let all that information sink in. I think we should take it as a comfort. Educating ourselves and knowing exactly what we’re up against and how it needs to be dealt with is how we further ourselves. It’s the only way we’ll be able to beat our fat. If we’re going to beat ourselves up to the point of depression, anxiety or worsening eating habits, try this first.
Exercises That Won’t Make Us Jiggle as Much
Really, not jiggling as much could be changed by the types of workouts that we do. If there’s a lot of ups and downs, of course, whatever we have going on is going to do the same. Equal and opposite reaction type of stuff. While cardio and running are good for us, there are surely other exercises we could utilize that won’t have us shaking our bellies like bowls full of jelly (a Santa Claus reference for you).
Think about how our bodies are moving when we’re doing different activities. When we’re running, lots of up and down. Our bodies follow suit, of course. When we weight lift though or do motions that aren’t so harsh, we don’t jiggle as much. Think about things like squats, we don’t jiggle by slowly bending our knees and getting back up. Well, unless you’re doing squats as fast as a professional weightlifter. Those folks are the real deal!
If you’re a big fan of running, give an elliptical a shot. It’s proven to reduce the pressure we put on our joints when we’re working out. A lot of plus size women struggle with joint pain, which seems wrong because we’re trying to actively fix what’s causing the pain. Yet there it is. It’s reality though and there are other exercises like bicycling that can also relieve some jiggling. Now, going through a thick wood with lots of bumps is going to cause jiggling. If that’s not your type of thing, just try a stationary bike. You’re only going to jiggle if you’re going fast enough to do so.
I think we can all understand and appreciate that losing weight by changing our diet and working on being physically active is sometimes really hard. You’re trying to do the right things and make changes but there’s this one obstacle (let’s be real, there’s more than one) that feels like just one more thing. I think what we can all agree that there’s always going to be a roadblock. There are going to be obstacles in our lives that try to stop us from leveling up.
Please don’t let something as superficial (even though it doesn’t feel superficial) as jiggling stop you from reaching your goals. It’s hard, it can be agonizing even. Especially with how we’re wired as humans. We’re emotional, but if we can learn to control and take responsibility for our own actions, thoughts, emotions, etc. we’ll only grow.
Give yourself a break though. There are things out there that are made to help the very problem you’re facing right now. There is a reason why people have invented things like sports bras, compression clothes, etc. They really can help. We just have to be willing to try.
Wearing a Sports Bra, is it Helpful?
“Invented in the ’70s, the original runners’ bra, believe it or not, the original concept came about using particularly male items, by sewing two jockstraps together. It was imaginatively called the Jockbra but later became known as the Jogbra. They’ve come a long way since 1977.” (Penny, midlifehacks.com, 2020).
Before we get specific as to what bra to wear and why, let’s talk about what happens when we don’t wear a bra. When we run, our breasts move in the same way we are. A lot of the reason why women choose to stop working out is because of pain. There are things we can do to ease the pain though, we just need to be open to the ideas. It’s actually better for you to run on the grass than on the sidewalk due to the impact on your knees and other joints. The concrete can’t absorb force like grass, basically, we sink. Now, think about a sports bra like grass. There’s still going to be movement, but does it need to be painful and even damaging? Not so much.
Not only just the up and down movement of our breasts cause pain, that pain is an effect of more problems. We feel pain because it’s stretching our skin and ligaments. Stretching can cause more saggy, droopy breasts. I’m pretty sure we try out best to keep our breasts at their best for as long as we can. Should we accept our aging bodies and learn to love our body no matter what stage of life we’re in? Of course! We need to learn to love ourselves before we do much of anything as a matter of fact.
Think of it this way, if you go into a new plan, a new way of doing things by beating yourself up and focusing on all the negatives, how’s that going to affect you mentally? I think we can all agree that it’s surely not helpful. If we decide to change how we think though, like looking at ourselves and saying, “I love you enough to do what’s best for you.” You’ll get so much further by loving yourself than hating yourself. Self-hate has never led to any where good.
Compression Bra? Encapsulated Bra? What even is that?
I’m so happy you asked. While bras of all different kinds have their own use and purpose, I think a good sports bra is something we should all have. Some women are going to prefer certain styles over others. Some are going to be pickier about fabric than about what kind of straps the bra has. We all have different priorities. I think it’s pretty clear that we’re prioritizing the jiggling, bouncing nonsense, that on a good day is painful. For women with large breasts, it can actually stop them from exercising all together. While one type of these bras suits large breasted women more, there are also plus size women out there that aren’t as well endowed, and we’d be doing them a disservice by not helping them out as well. So which bra is right for you?
A compression bra is easily described as one piece of fabric that wraps completely around your chest. Think about a halter top, strapless dress, etc. It’s built like that. We may even know a girl who tried to use an ace wrap. Putting a bra on is hopefully much easier than trying to wrap yourself up. You’re not a mummy, just saying. This type of bra may not suit my larger breasted women as it doesn’t provide a lot of prevention as far as the up and down movements go. This bra would work great for my full-figured, maybe smaller breasted friends.
An encapsulated bra is geared more toward women who need more support than what the common sports bra offers. While the compression bra is made up of just one straight piece of fabric covering our breasts, an encapsulated bra is more like a normal bra. It has two separate cups so that our breasts are more likely to stay in place. These types of bras are sized like our normal bras. Shop similarly to what you would want your other bras to fit like. I, myself, would probably pick a bra that is a little tighter just to hold these girls in. Others may prefer to fit just like they’re normal bras. Either way, it all depends on what you’re looking for.
(Liz Neporant, Fitness Walking For Dummies, books.google.com)
Our Breasts Aren’t the Only Things Jiggling…

Y’all might be thinking, does this woman know that my breasts may not even be the worst of my problems? You’re in luck, because I too, struggle with more than just my breasts. I prefer bras that do hold my girls closer to my chest. So, a tight-fitting bra with straps are my go-to. Too bad we can’t get a bra for our tummies, arms, thighs, anywhere that has involuntary movement. I’m sure we all know where we have the most wiggle. An area that I tend to see jiggling the most is my stomach area.
We talked about the types of fats that we all have earlier. In my stomach area, I do have a lot of firm fat. Which, yay for me, is going to be a pain to evict from my midsection. Knowing and being aware of the extra movements my body is making, can be really discouraging. We can find solutions together though. Not ones that we try for a day, we need to be fair when looking for help and give it time.
Let’s talk compression clothing. Compression clothes look like your every day run of the mill work out clothes. What makes it stand out is how it helps not only hold our muscles closer to our body (which helps with aches and pains) they also help with jiggling. After doing quite a bit of reading, it’s recommended to pay close attention to the fit of the clothes. You want to feel compressed, but definitely not too tight. No need to cut off your circulation.
Some compression clothing is used in medical cases, but that’s not all there is. You won’t find the medical grade stuff at your local sporting good stores, well it’s unlikely at least. The reason you’ll find this type of clothing at sporting goods stores is because they’re regularly used by serious professional athletes. I mentioned that it holds your muscles closer to your body, the reason is that it helps minimize the micro muscle tears that are caused by oscillation and your muscles vibrating. (Malia Frey, verywellfit.com, 2020)
Other Helpful Tips for Anything That Jiggles
Oh, what it would be like to live in a world where we all could just be skinny. Not that I hate my body, I can definitely point out a few things I like about the way I am now. Unfortunately, it’s not healthy to be overweight. We all know the health risks associated with being overweight or obese. As full-figured women, I’m sure we’ve had this shoved down our throats more than we probably needed it. Although we don’t always want to hear it, hear me now. Starting small with trying compression clothing is a great start to combating that self-consciousness that we all feel at one point or another. There are some simple things we can change about our exercise routine that should surely help us.
We all have different areas that we want to target. Let’s break down the most popular of those:
1. Bra Bulge
Butterflies are not only really pretty bugs, but it’s also a really great workout. If you’ve ever done butterflies, you may have been shocked by how hard it can be. A butterfly is done by laying flat on your back. Have a weight (start light) in each hand. Spread your arms straight out from your body. Without bending your arms, bring both hands together. If you don’t feel enough of a burn, feel free to bump it up by adding more weight. Just don’t push it too far.
2. Inner and Outer Thighs
A great way to combat these, may not so little, buggers is by doing lunges. In order to do a proper lunge, you need to start with your legs shoulder width apart. Then you take a step forward (don’t make it a huge step if you’re new to this, getting hurt won’t help you) and bend the opposite knee down. There are ways to make this exercise less and more challenging. Take that first knee slowly. That’ll help you know how far you should be going down. A quick way to get lunges done is to go down a hallway. Lunge with one leg and then move to the other. It’s a great work out.
3. Underarm Flab
Focusing on your triceps is a great way to target this pesky area. Your triceps respond fast to exercise and weight/fat loss. Try this exercise if this area is a problem for you. Start standing with your feet shoulder width apart. Have a weight in each hand, now raise your arms until they’re parallel with the floor. You can either do this repeatedly, you can pulse (meaning bringing the weights back up before you bring the weights back down to your side, this is a fast way to get a good workout in), or you can hold the pose. You could also combine all of these if you’re in need of a little more burn.
4. Belly Pooch
I don’t know whether to blame my children or my own bad eating habits for my (what I call) mom pouch. You’ve probably heard of planks before. They’re a great way to work out that lower ab area, which is one of the worst jiggly parts on me personally. Planks are done by getting into a push-up position. Instead of being on your hands and toes, you lower your upper half down to your forearms. You hold yourself by your forearms and keep your back straight. It’s good to hold it as long as you can. If you find yourself being inconsistent with the hold, try using a timer. Start with something small like 15 seconds. After you’re able to do that, move up to 30 seconds, 1 minute, etc.
(Shaun Dreisbach, 2015, glamour.com)
There is at Least One Other Cause
Water retention. Those two words alone make me feel puffy, uncomfortable and bloated. I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s tried to work out when I feel all gross. Water retention is caused by excess sodium which absorbs and holds onto water.
“Let’s put this in perspective. One teaspoon of salt has about 2,325 milligrams of sodium. 400 milligrams of sodium, or 1/5th teaspoon of salt, causes you to hold on to two pounds of water. You may or may not think that this is significant on the scale but think about it visually.” (Blissful Eating, mmblissfuleating.com)
Feeling bloated by retaining water can definitely cause more jiggling. Any extra weight that we’re carrying is going to exacerbate our jiggling. You can also lose a few pounds by working hard and getting that sodium out of your system. A great way to do that is by sweating. I think most of us know that our sweat holds salt. If we can sweat a ton, we’ll probably still feel puffy, but once everything settles, we’ll feel so much better.
So many of us suffer from this very problem. Don’t be afraid to also talk to your doctor about ways to reduce your sodium without going without your favorite things. While sodium isn’t the only thing we should be careful with when eating, sugar is also a problem, being more intentional can only help us.
By talking about it though, even starting with your physician, you’ll be able to create relationships with others who may struggle with the same thing. Not only have you made a friend, but they could also offer some advice.
We Don’t Have to do This Alone
There are so many people out there who struggle with the exact same things we do. There is probably a specific thing(s) that is holding you back from developing helpful relationships. We may not be super proud of the condition we’re in or the habits we’ve formed. In my opinion, you’ll be ready to talk about it at some point. If you’re feeling ready though, being incorporated into a group with similar goals and/or struggles could really help you overcome this insecurity.

We see people riding bikes in groups all the time. You might even see a group of runners or walkers. We can do the same thing. Being in a group helps us kind of camouflage which makes us far less noticeable. We may not have friends who are in the same situation as we are. If we do, they may or may not be ready to make the changes that you are. We’re very fortunate to live in this day in age. We have so many ways of finding people who are interested in the same things that we are.
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc., are a great place to start. You could simply search what kind of group you want to join and viola. You’ve made friends without even putting in all the social effort. I think you’d be surprised by how kind people really are. If you’re able to find a group with people who have the same struggles as you, you’re bound to find compassion. Not that there won’t be a bad egg in there. There are bad eggs in every group, but if you keep close to the ones who are rooting for you, you’ll be just fine. More than fine to be honest.
Be proud of how far you’ve come. Taking the first step is the hardest. Just remember to keep putting one foot in front of the other. You’ll achieve your goals. Be intentional with what you choose to do with your day and who you spend it with. Keep going girl. You got this!