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Why Plus-size Women Don’t Only Have to Wear Leggings

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Amongst all kinds of bottoms, leggings are a great wardrobe addition due to their versatility. You could wear them to yoga, the gym, while lounging back at home, or even to a fancy occasion if you get witty enough with the styling. And the best part, the comfort afforded is unmatched. But despite the tremendous use you could get off a pair, here’s why plus size women don’t only have to wear leggings.

A step out of your comfort zone could unlock you to a whole new world of fashion-forward options. The kind that are still as comfy to walk around in but with an elevated style to what leggings can achieve.

Still don’t believe it? Stick around and you’ll see just how much broadening your horizons could revolutionize your entire closet. You only have to try. And that much, we understand can be scary but we have just the tips to get you started. Finally, lined up are great legging alternatives for both casual and high-profile events. What more could you possibly need!

Can You Actually Wear Leggings With Thick Thighs?

Before we delve into the details of what to substitute for your leggings, let’s take a moment to address the misconception that plus-size women ought to steer clear of leggings.

Here’s the thing, curvy bodies look exceptional in leggings but if and only if worn correctly. That means paying attention to your frame and dressing in a way that flatters your silhouette best. Miss that and you’re well on your way to looking like a circus clown. Perhaps even the reason that got you as a non-believer in the first place.

 So to rid you of the mental block that this is indeed possible, here is a guide to wearing leggings the right way.

  • Prioritize Darker Shades

Now, this is not to mean that black should be your all-time go-to, but the family has been found to have a nice slimming effect. Close relatives are navy, dark grays, and deep purples. And while at it, go for leggings tailored with neat, flat lines so you have nothing bulging out from the inside.  If you’re afraid of looking all gloomy, you could break with some colorful jewelry or a brighter top for balance.

  • Pair with the Right Top

It’s one thing to get the right pair but assembling a flattering outfit is a whole different story. You’ve heard about aiming for long flowing tops that don’t cut right at your waist and whatnot. While this is true, you also risk looking frumpy if you go overboard. So be careful and try to balance proportions. Tunic tops are commendable.

Again, only accentuate one part of your body that you’re most proud of at a time. A cinched-in waist coupled with an exceedingly plunging neckline and hugged hips will be off-putting. Less is more.

  • Get High-quality Leggings

Leave sheer and mesh fabrics for the leaner category if you can. Visible lumps and bumps even from a distance are not a pretty sight. Instead, go for leggings made from strong material with maximum hold and support. Such are the likes of cotton or poly-cotton blends. Plus, you can bet they will sustain their elasticity way past multiple washes.

  • Find the Right Fit

Naturally, leggings are stretchy and have the ability to expand. This trait however is no leeway to going for too small sizes. Measure your ideal fit by the largest part of your body, say your stomach or hips. If it slides in without you looking overly compressed or creating the disastrous V outline around your groin area; then, most probably, you’ve found your size.

  • Have on Good Underwear

A small but crucial part of looking put together.  Ensure to get underwear that supports your booty with enough hold. Jiggles can be embarrassing and are equally not fun to behold.

Getting Out of Old Boring Tights

Seeing as it is possible to rock a pair of leggings and still look chic, it’s unfortunate that a lot of full-figure women have stuck here. If this has been your safety net for too long, it’s about time to start exploring other ensembles. You’d be surprised what a confidence boost it could add and yes, many plus size women are already aboard the bandwagon. 

How then can you step up your bottom collection without sacrificing the much-needed comfort? Well, here are a couple of pointers.

Start small. Change is something even the best of us dread. And if you attempt to take a huge leap, you might end up burnt. So the trick is to take baby steps as you gradually develop the confidence to stretch out your wardrobe to more daring outfits. That said, take a peek through your closet and separate the essentials from what can go.

If you search keen enough, you’ll likely come across a couple of washed-up items that no longer serve their purpose. Either too baggy, old, or just plain old rugged. Begin by emptying these so you have enough room to bring in a fresh collection. More like, old out, new in.

The next step is to challenge yourself, and this is where the tough work is. If you’re scared of trying something you’re not used to, you could warm up to the idea by doing an internet search. Look for plus-size bodies with a similar frame to that of yours and gather inspiration from them. It’s no crime to copy their ensemble provided you share similar dimensions.  Take your time and you should be able to come up with more than a handful of ideas.

Once content, head over to the store and put to test your hard-earned knowledge. With curvier bodies, it’s important that you practically try out the items so you get a first-hand feel of how they fit. Unless you have prior experience shopping online, stick to this approach to avoid disappointing sizes.

Don’t worry about spending a load of time searching, it will surely pay off. And whatever you do, resist the urge to crawl into the leggings section and pick out a pair or two.

Some Great Legging Alternatives

As mentioned earlier, there are plenty of bottoms that you can switch to whenever you get tired of wearing the same genre all the time. Fair enough the fashion industry still has a long way to go in catering to the needs of a plus-size body, but there’s no denying we’ve gained some ground.

 Just to be practical, here is a list to get you started.

1.   Skinny Jeans

It so appears that the denim trend will never run out of style. And you can never go wrong with a pair of well-fitting jeans. Skinny jeans actually have a wonderful silhouette to them making your legs appear somewhat leaner than they truly are. They are great for a laid-back event, but even if you wish to dress up, you could style your outfit to suit the occasion.

Just be sure to go for a size with enough give. Stretchy jeans work best on plus-size bodies and will afford the desired hold. For an elevated look, throw in a classy heel, a blouse with catchy prints, and finish off with a blazer to tie everything together.  

2.   Leather Pants

Contrary to popular opinion, leather can be comfortable to wear.  Precisely more comfortable compared to tough denim and jeans. They are smooth to the feel and pliable. You could easily move around in one just as you would in leggings. It pays sometimes to size up when dealing with leather items, genuine or faux. The extra room could be valuable when you need to bend down and reach for something.

3. Chino Pants

If you’re looking for pants you can show up to work in without feeling strapped to the core, chinos is your answer. Made from lightweight cotton, they have some degree of flexibility to them. And because of the visible stitching, they come off dressy enough to report to the office in. Straight-leg chinos reaching to the ankle best makeup for a formal look. But when looking to achieve an edgy appeal, you could fold the bottom up a few times.

4.   Wide-Legged Trousers

Before you can disqualify this based on the notion that it could add bulk, wait a minute. Sure sticking to a straight leg or even a tapered cut would be more befitting for women with wider calves. But there’s always room to bend the rules with a few handy tips. Plus size women can absolutely pull of a wide leg and still look drop-dead gorgeous. No bulk, no weird proportions, just a polished look.

To do this, there are a few silent rules that you must bear in mind.

How to Wear Wide-Legged Pants the Right Way

  • Do a high waist. It cinches in your midsection securely giving an illusion of a much cinched in waist. If you’re shorter, it also creates an appearance of longer legs.
  • Let the fabric flow all the way down past your ankle instead of cutting above. It looks elegant when it grazes down to the floor leaving only a glimpse of your shoe or none at all.
  • Get flowy fabric that is thick enough. Needless to say, curvy girls need maximum support and a feather-weight fabric will not get you there. Aim for jerseys or materials with a high thread count.
  • Throw on a belt if your pants don’t already come with one. The contrast between your upper and lower half works to accentuate your figure.
  • Pair with a snag top. Since already there’s a lot of fabric and room within your lower ensemble, compensate for it at the top. It makes sense to tack in your blouse. And just to add a dramatic flair to the whole outfit, have some puffy sleeves going on.
  •  Wear pants that generously fit the widest part of your body. Remember the goal is to maintain a relaxed cut that doesn’t tag on. So use your widest dimensions to zero in on a pair, and if need be, don’t’ be afraid to size up.

Appreciating your Body

Self-confidence not only shows in how we speak or carry ourselves, but the finer details are also revealed in how we dress too. Clothes are a huge building block to our demeanor whether we realize it or not. Now not to imply that leggings are affiliated with low self-esteem but on the flip side if this is all you’re willing to try, it’s a subtle indicator that something is wrong.

Despite what society has cultured us to believe, plus-size bodies are beautiful and as such need to be treated with the same appreciation. An outfit that looks stunning on a smaller female is not limited to the chubbier community, and this is something the fashion industry is slowly but surely beginning to take note of.

In the meantime, if you’re struggling to condition your mind into taking a risk, start by making small affirmations. Look at yourself in the mirror and remind yourself that you are gorgeous regardless of whatever outfit you choose to pull off.

The longer you keep at it; you’ll soon develop a boldness to break free from the confines of being ordinary. If it makes you feel any better, step into the gym and take charge of your fitness and health. Whatever it takes to get you feeling your best self.


For too long, leggings have been overused on the account of being a versatile yet comfy fashion item. Now, we bring to you a whole new world of stylish bottoms that should get you feeling ready to take on the world. It all starts with body positivity and the right mindset. The only thing a plus-size girl can’t wear is ill sizes. The rest are an open ticket!

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