Waist beads are a raving sensation and among the current urban fashion trends. Otherwise referred to as belly beads, belly chain, waist girdle, or waist bracelets, these adornments have immense value to the plus-size woman. Here’s what you should know about the true magic of plus size waist beads.
Plus Size waist beads are both stylish and functional. They are popularly considered to be unique aesthetic fashion pieces which express individuality and personal taste. Commonly placed along the waistline, these beads help capture and highlight a woman’s feminine curves. With their numerous colours and designs, they can help embody and enhance the aura of the woman. Other than fashion, these beads help maintain and enhance your body physique. As a plus-size woman you may often struggle with bodyweight especially belly fat and a slump posture, by simply wearing these beads, you can begin to gradually correct these flaws and attain your desired appearance.
One of the most beneficial uses of waist beads is weight loss. Waist beads increase your body conscience as they sit directly on your waist. Any changes around your belly area, whether due to bloating, over-eating, weight gain or weight loss, will be recognizable. They serve as a tracker to any abdominal increments or reductions. The beads sink deeper into your belly and feel tight or sit higher up your belly area if your belly size increases. The inverse is also true. The beads will feel loose and sit lower on your abdomen further near your hips if your belly size decreases.
While using this technique, you don’t have to wait until your weight gain or weight loss is obvious for you to make the proper dietary changes or for you to appreciate your efforts. Any mild changes will be instantly recognizable. Every day and at every possible juncture, there is always what the waist bracelet is saying to you about your weight. It continuously tracks and monitors any mild or drastic changes. So you do not have to wait till the end of the day to jump on the weighing machine to know whether you scaled up or down.

A habit that most plus-size ladies struggle with is the occasional over-eating and in some extreme cases, chronic food binging. When you walk through the mall to buy you or a loved one some clothes or groceries for home, you may be constantly tempted to buy something to munch on. Nearly all such spontaneous snack shopping consists of unhealthy food options. We love the sodas and diet cokes, the fries, burgers, pizzas, the ice cream, potato chips, chocolate, and other delightful cravings. Somehow we convince ourselves, that it is okay to indulge ourselves in these cravings and vow that it will be the last time doing so. For the most part, it is never the last time, because we are stuck in the rat race of over-indulging and then trying to over-compensate by not eating. This eventually drives us to over-eat again and the cycle continues.
These beads serve as a worthy over-eating deterrent. If you were to wear your waist beads, every time you stuff yourself, the beads compress you a bit. This serves as an active reminder for you to stop eating. If not, the beads will continue to dig into your waist, causing great unease. You will then have to actively decide to either remove the beads so that you continue over-eating or to completely stop. Over some time, you will program yourself to only eat to a given point and completely break free from binging.
In the same token, waist beads serve as ‘waist trainers.’ Ideally, your waistline will not span out of control and will be conditioned to fit a particular circumference. Other worthwhile uses of plus size waist beads include:
1. It Helps you Sit Upright.
A majority of people in the world today, tend to slump over while they sit and walk. This is also common among plus-size women, perhaps because of the excess weight or lack of body confidence. With the waist beads perfectly fitted around your waist, when you slump over, the bracelet will tighten you up, making you feel highly uncomfortable. To avoid the pinch you will be forced to sit upright, with your back straight and shoulders back, and also maintain the same body posture as you walk.
2. Build Confidence and Self-love

Adorning yourself with these handcrafted accessories helps boost self- confidence and symbolizes self-care. Some types of waist beads are made up of gemstones and other precious ornaments. Throwing this on just for yourself while in your lingerie, or as you go to the beach or spot a crop top will really boost your morale and help you feel lovely. Additionally, with the beads sitting on your waist and thus highlighting your voluptuous hips, however imperfect you may feel about them, will help you appreciate your feminine body curves.
3. Wonderful energy
The colours of the beads represent your energy. Interestingly, your favourite colours are an indication of your aura and it is what you exude to those around you. Picking waist beads that depict your personal style and radiate with your personality, help you be more conscious of who you are and what you want to depict to the world.
There is something mystical and spiritual about waist beads. They represent particular energies, for instance, gold-coloured waist beads are considered to symbolize wealth, affluence, power whereas pink-coloured waist beads speak of love, femininity and romance. You can choose the colours of the energy you would like to resonate with. This sense of mysticism and magic is informed by the perception and beliefs of the African tribes that originally invented them. There is such a wonderful sense of wonder and ‘true magic’ in wearing them.
How to Measure and Wear Waist Beads Correctly
Before purchasing a waist bead, you should take adequate care to accurately measure your waist. Waist beads are tailor-made and thus will be specifically designed just for you. If pre-designed, they will be fitted to your exact body frame. Use a measuring tape, and measure your waistline or where you would want your waist bead to sit. Do not assume your measurements or infer from the size of your clothing. As you measure, ensure the tape is snug – not too loose and not too tight.
Often, waist beads are worn just below the belly button around your waistline. This is not to say that they cannot be placed in a different position. Some opt to place them above their belly buttons and nearer their upper waist whereas in some cases others opt to place them on their hips. For Plus- Size women I would advise that they are worn at the belly button area or just below it so that it can help you keep track of your waistline.
You can opt to cluster your waist beads. This means you can wear several waist beads at a go on the same belly area. If you so desire, you can cluster some on your upper belly (2 or 3) and others directly on your waistline. Feel free to add even more waist beads. Typically, they are worn underneath clothing; however, you can opt to wear them on top of your clothing to give a unique vibe to your outfit.
If you are looking to incorporate waist beads into your wardrobe, here are a few things you should bear in mind while wearing them:
- Take them off when you go to bed – Sleeping in them, may inhibit blood circulation. It may also cause bruising if you are an aggressive sleeper who tosses and turns while asleep.
- Do not intentionally pull against them as they may break
- Get a perfectly fitting waist bead – this ensures it does not move around but sits in place as you go about your day
- Before clustering, allow your waist to adjust to the presence of the waist beads, one at a time.
Shopping for Plus-size Waist Beads: Where to find them
Plus Size waist beads are easily available and can be purchased from online stores and boutiques. You can also search on Amazon and eBay for the same. Here are other site links that may come in handy:
- https://thewaistbeadshop.com/collections/waistbeads
- https://www.etsy.com/market/plus_size_waist_beads
- https://www.waistbeadsbytrina.com/collections/plus-size-waist-beads
Final Tips
While purchasing, you should be careful to pick high-quality waist beads that do not easily break. A waist bracelet is simply made of a string, beads and a clasp at the end. Here are two things you should look for before you purchase your waist bead.
The type of string – Pick waist beads that are made up of cotton threads as opposed to synthetic strings. The threads are more durable and very difficult to break, unlike the plastic strings. However, you can pick a plastic string if it is thick enough.
The size of the clasp – Pick one that has a bigger clasp as opposed to a small one. Bigger clasps guarantee that the waist bracelet will not pop open when pressure is applied.
With that, I hope you will find your dream plus size waist beads and rock them like a pro!