rubbing on cellulite

How to Firm the Cellulite and Keep Your Curves

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Curves are in, but cellulite is totally out. Women of all sizes can develop cellulite, and many ladies feel self-conscious about their dimpled flesh. How can you firm your body to reduce cellulite while still maintaining your curves?

Here’s how to firm cellulite and keep your curves:

  • Try a massage
  • Revise your diet
  • Move your body
  • Supplement your life
  • Apply caffeine
  • Get your brush on
  • Hydrate
  • See the pros
  • Learn to love it

While you might never be able to erase your cellulite completely, the methods above can be useful for reducing its appearance. For many curvaceous women, that would be more than enough.

Make sure you keep reading for tips and tricks!

The 9 Top Methods for Reducing Cellulite Without Shedding Your Curves

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Massage Therapy

How about a relaxing massage to help with your cellulite?

Okay, so it’s not quite as easy as you seeing a masseuse and all your cellulite melting away with your troubles, but there is a proven link between massage therapy and the reduction of the appearance of cellulite.

Here’s how you do it.

First, you or a partner or friend should put moisturizing lotion on the area that will receive the massage. 

The type of lotion doesn’t matter so much, as it’s just to make the massage comfortable, but by combining cellulite cream (more on this later) with a massage, you can’t go wrong.

When massaging, start with some pressure, but nothing too hard. Then, apply long strokes using the palms, fingers, and knuckles. Extend the length of each stroke as you go, then switch to a circular movement.

Next, begin kneading, which entails holding the skin between the fingers and thumb and then rotating circularly.

Then begin pinching (softly, of course), again using the fingers and thumb and holding the skin between there. To end the massage, use more broad strokes with gentle pressure.

This technique is important when reducing cellulite.

Further, tools such as handheld massagers and foam rollers can make the massage more efficient and beneficial.

The more regularly you receive a massage in the targeted area, the less noticeable cellulite may be. You’ll also feel less stressed and have less pain!

A Healthier Diet

There’s a misconception that a woman can’t be healthy if she has curves. You know that isn’t true, I know it, but most people still think it.

Even if you eat relatively well right now, you can always stand to improve your diet, especially if cellulite in your stomach or thighs is getting you down.

The correlation is that weighing less will reduce your cellulite, so I want you to keep that in mind. If you stay curvier, since you carry more fat, you might still have cellulite.

That said, it’s not a bad idea to revise your diet and begin incorporating more of the following foods:

  • Cinnamon for better blood flow 
  • Millet to get more whole grains
  • Quinoa for whole grains as well
  • Spinach can increase the production of collagen
  • Broccoli is a great source of vitamin C that can also boost collagen production
  • Avocados, as it has fiber and fats that can flush out toxins that might make cellulite
  • Spirulina, blue-green algae that healthfully drain fluid
  • Grapefruit has enzymes that may prevent the fat formation and break down current cellulite
  • Papaya is a fruit that’s rich in vitamin 
  • Berries, another fruit that stimulates collagen
  • Tomatoes; a source of lycopene, which can stop the formation of cellulite
  • Celery has compounds in its juice that could tighten the skin
  • Cucumber; another skin-tightening vegetable
  • Kale; a low-calorie veggie with plenty of vitamin C


It’s not that exercise makes cellulite disappear. Losing fat through body movement and a healthy diet is what makes cellulite less noticeable.

Again, since you want to keep up your curves, the effects of exercise on your cellulite might be negligible.

Fortunately, it’s not the only fat loss that exercise can deliver for your body. By building muscles in cellulite-prone areas, the dimples might be harder to spot.

Squats, lunges, and step-ups are three of the most popular exercises for combating cellulite in the bottom half of your body.

Those aren’t the only moves to begin incorporating into your future gym sesh. Try these exercises as well:

  • Squat jumps
  • Glute bridges
  • Reverse lunges
  • Bulgarian split squats
  • Lateral lunges
  • Curtsy lunges

Yes, there are a lot of squats and lunges on this list because cellulite is the most common around the buttocks and thighs. The above exercises target those areas.


Supplementing your diet with vitamins, minerals, and nutrients you might not get enough of from the foods you eat is a great path to better health.

Some supplements have the additional benefit of potentially lessening your cellulite too according to dietitians. Let’s take a look.


Collagen is a protein your body makes that supports the structure of connective tissue, bones, cartilage, and skin. Without collagen, your skin is dry and less elastic.

When cellulite develops across the body, it takes a collagen skin band and interrupts it. Thus, by supplementing with collagen, you can restore the elasticity and suppleness of your skin.

The increased elasticity of your skin makes it easy to keep back the fat cells so your skin looks smoother.


For those who need the introduction, chokeberry or Aronia melanocarpa is an eastern North American edible plant species.

Chokeberries are very rich in phytonutrients and antioxidants, certainly much more so than the fruits you’re familiar with.

By consuming chokeberry juice and making it a regular part of your lifestyle (like every single day), within a few months, you might have less visible cellulite.

Fish Oil

The omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil are great for controlling your cholesterol, lessening your blood pressure, and improving your blood circulation. 

Besides making for a healthier you, your skin walls will be healthier as well.

This might be able to prevent future instances of cellulite.

Caffeine Cream

You’re used to getting your caffeine from a cup of coffee, but have you ever thought about applying a caffeine cream on your skin?

If you have cellulite, it’s worth trying!

Caffeine has the unique ability to dehydrate your fat cells. 

Like most dehydrated things, the fat cells shrink. That means your cellulite that once stood out like a sore thumb is now a lot harder to see.

You will need to use caffeine cream every day to reap the most benefits, and it’s not like your cellulite is going to disappear. If it’s especially overt, then it might become slightly less noticeable.

Dry Brushing

The next option you have for firming cellulite while still maintaining your curves is known as dry brushing.

As the name implies, dry brushing is when you use an exfoliating brush on your skin. You can also use a loofah if you have one handy, but don’t wet it! That defeats the purpose.

When you dry brush your skin, you’re removing dead skin cells by moving the dry brush in a circular motion. 

This circular motion, much like the massage technique I talked about at the start of this article, improves your circulation. Your lymphatics are also stimulated by dry brushing.

The idea is that by committing to a dry brushing routine of up to four times per week (or twice per week at the very least), you’ll firm up your skin and make it smoother too.

The dry brush can massage deep into fibrous bands and adipose tissue as well as soft tissue to send blood flow to these areas.

For best results, you should take a hot shower or bath after you’re done dry brushing and then use a moisturizer, be it a lotion, cream, or oil.

Even practitioners of dry brushing say that the treatment only temporarily reduces cellulite, but it is a means of lessening your cellulite, nevertheless. That’s why I had to talk about it!

Drink Plenty of Water

What if I told you that there’s something you already do every day that, if you did it more, you could possibly lessen how visible your cellulite is?

Okay, here it is. Drink more water. Yes, it’s that simple!

By ramping up your water consumption to more than three liters a day, you might notice that your skin looks suppler and less dimply.

By the way, three liters might not sound like a lot, but it is. It’s 12.6 cups, so almost 13 cups of water a day.

It’s actually recommended you drink more than three liters, so you’re looking at 14 or 15 cups of water a day.

As with any habit, it’s best to start slow. If you already drink the recommended eight cups of water a day, then increasing it to 10 cups shouldn’t be a challenge.

Gradually add on a cup of water per day until you get to 13 cups, then 14, then 15!

Drink water as soon as you wake up and then throughout the day. You can download a smartphone app to remind you when to drink.

If sipping on all that water gets bland, you can always infuse your H2O with fruit or other flavors. That’s definitely allowed!

Consider a Professional Medical Treatment

One of the most definitive means of reducing the appearance of cellulite is to receive a medical procedure.

Laser treatments have become popular since they’re minimally invasive. 

One such treatment known as Cellulase requires the surgeon to insert a laser fiber beneath the skin. The laser then destroys the cellulite bands.

Subcisions like Cellfina use an injection to break down the cellulite bands.

There’s also vacuum-assisted precise tissue release, which has blades that cut the skin bands that create cellulite.

I’m not necessarily saying you need to receive any of these treatments, but they are out there. 

The effectiveness of these treatments is usually very high, but even these medical-grade treatments reduce the appearance of cellulite rather than make it vanish entirely.

Learn to Love Your Cellulite

According to Medical News Today, 80 to 90 percent of women will have cellulite at least at one point in their lives.

Going back to what I said before, no, cellulite is not exclusively an issue among curvy women. Smaller, skinnier women have cellulite too. Most women do!

Although to a woman, your cellulite can seem like your most defining feature and the obvious thing that everyone is looking at, I promise you that no one notices it more than you do.

Plus, even if someone sees your cellulite, so what? Up to 90 percent of women have it or have had it. They can emphasize.

Even celebrities have cellulite, and they don’t let it stop them from wearing short shorts, bikinis, or skirts. Why should you hide?

By accepting your cellulite as just another part of yourself, it will become less noticeable since you’ll simply stop paying it as much attention.


Cellulite is a very common thing among women and something that up to 90 percent of ladies currently have or have had. It has nothing to do with your size, but exercise and diet can help.

So too can massages, supplements, caffeine creams, and dry brushing, albeit with minor results.

That’s why I want to reiterate my point from before. By accepting your cellulite and not making such a big deal out of it, it will become a nonfactor in your life!

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