We all can think of a few reasons why hygiene is important. We have probably had some sort of hygiene routine at some point in our lives. It may not have been something we saw as a routine. Daily showers, using deodorant, washing our hands, are all included in personal hygiene. So, if you’re feeling like you have no hygiene routine, try to think of things that you do every day, no matter how small it may seem. As always, positivity is key.
Personal hygiene was most likely taught to us starting at a very young age. Our parents or caregivers would always tell us to brush our teeth, wash our face, comb our hair, etc. It’s because they care, and they want us to be healthy. Personal hygiene doesn’t just make us look better, it actually keeps us from getting infections, hair loss, tooth decay, and more. Those of us in the plus-size community need to be extra cautious when it comes to taking care of ourselves which is why plus-pize hygiene is more important than you think.
If you feel that you’re having a really hard time developing a proper hygiene routine, don’t be afraid to talk to your doctor about it. There’s nothing you have going on that they haven’t already seen at some point. Just ask them what you need to be doing every day and try to incorporate that into your day. Being a full-figured woman, there are things that I do every single day. Even beyond being full-figured, things as simple as putting on deodorant maybe twice a day instead of just once has helped me, as I’m a sweater.

The reason I think wearing deodorant is so important is because it helps prevent sweat. If you’ve ever smelled your own or someone else’s body odor, you’ve actually smelled bacteria. That’s why it smells bad. So, washing, as in taking a shower, and wearing deodorant helps keep bacteria and germs at bay. Not maintaining a good personal hygiene routine can cause actual illness. So beyond looking like we take care of ourselves, it’s really important to our health and wellbeing.

Things like making sure you’re brushing your teeth twice a day, as recommended by dentists, is another key point to make sure you include in your hygiene routine. Things like gingivitis, tooth decay, and other bad things are caused by a lack of dental hygiene. This is probably well-known information but think about what happens when we don’t do these things. Taking care of our mouths is so important and it affects more than we may think.
Something we all should think about, especially at times when we brush our teeth or wash our faces, is washing our hands. This may seem like a given, but believe it or not, many people don’t wash their hands as often as they should. There are times when I change one of my kid’s diapers, and not to be super nasty, but stuff can get on you. Gross, I know, but it’s reality. I wash my hands! I know life is busy and we may not think of the little times where we should wash our hands. It’s so important though. Washing your hands regularly even helps prevent acne and breakouts. If you don’t wash your hands, whatever you’ve been touching all day is now on your face. Yeah, go wash your hands right now.

What’s the step above washing your hands you may ask? Making sure you shower every day or every other day. As a mother of four, I understand that squeezing time in for a shower can be difficult. Maybe you have a job that keeps you very busy, or your lifestyle is jam-packed with different tasks that you have to get done. Taking a shower takes 15 minutes, even if you have long hair and are full-figured like me. I’ve had to put babies in jumpers or in a bouncer so that I can just take a shower. Get creative.
If this seems to be an ongoing struggle though, try to incorporate things that you like! I like to take baths and sometimes enjoy a fantastic bowl of ice cream while I’m at it. Just make it enjoyable for you. In this day in age, we can even bring our phones and watch some Netflix or your favorite show. It really can be enjoyable if you take some time to think about it and make it suit you.
Something some of us may not see as personal hygiene is making sure that our clothes are clean. Imagine taking a shower, going through what can feel like a lot of work and effort, just to cover yourself in the same whatever you were covered in before. It doesn’t make a ton of sense. Now, I’m not saying that you can’t get two days out of your pajamas, or clothes that you may not have done much in. Just be conscientious of how long you’ve been wearing them and what you’ve done in them. I think we can all agree that getting into some nice warm clean clothes after a luxurious bath, is out of this world. You really can do that for yourself and you should! You’re worth the time and effort.

The Benefits of Personal Hygiene
I think a lot of the benefits of personal hygiene aren’t so much an instantaneous fix for some of our problems. What it does is it keeps us in good health over a long period of time. If we don’t brush our teeth, they can rot. Also, the more we form these tasks into a habit, the easier it is to do over time. You won’t think about it after a while of doing it.
If we brush our teeth twice a day, we’ll be able to sustain a great smile. If we wash our bodies and use other personal hygiene products, you’ll be clean, and you’ll feel a lot better about yourself. I personally have a very oily scalp and if I don’t wash my hair, I will get migraines. So, taking a shower every day is very important to me. Also, I mentioned before that I’m a sweater. Just because I’m sweaty though, doesn’t mean I’ve gotten used to it or have ever liked it. The only time I like being sweaty is when I’m working out, but I always shower after I work out though.
There are a few things we will see an improvement in faster. If you’re like me, you may have battled acne at one point in time. I swear that I’ve tried every face wash and routine out there, or at least that’s how it feels. I even dug into my make up and tried to find what could be causing it. I tended to get discouraged though. I really did try to be consistent in my routine so that the benefits would actually happen. If I have a bad day, I wouldn’t feel like washing my face. It can be a tedious task at times, at least to me. It came down to researching different ingredients in different face washes and seeing what they were made of and for. Having sensitive skin is no help either, but my skin has gotten used to some of the ingredients in my face wash over time.
The Consequences of Bad Hygiene
There are definitely consequences to not taking proper care of ourselves. Those of us in the plus sized community really need to buckle down. We are heavier, it’s just a fact, not meant to hurt you or shame you in anyway. We’ll be cleaner than our thinner counter parts if that helps you at all. A lot of us in the plus size community have rolls or excess skin and all of that needs to be cleaned. I know I’ve mentioned it, but I have four kids and all of them were born by c-section. It was so important that I took good care of my incision because my stomach does sag down now, which is very common. Healing is hard enough alone; I can’t imagine trying to heal while also dealing with an infection. New babies are a lot of work, but we need to put work into taking care of ourselves as well.

I mentioned earlier that taking care of ourselves isn’t only for others. It should be a component though. How we come off to others is going to affect how we form relationships and bonds. I’m sure we’ve all met someone who may not have showered enough or who may have even stunk. Although we should still love them and be accepting, being around someone who smells bad can be really hard to deal with. Unfortunately, we are human and that means we worry about what other people see us as. Perfection is impossible, but we can do the little things that make a big difference.
For other folks like myself, who wear makeup, we should be washing our faces before we go to bed. Not only because it’s bad for us to leave all of that on our skin over night, but because it will get on our bedding. Think of combining a lack of washing our face properly with not washing our sheets regularly. It’s a cocktail for nastiness and that’s the last thing you need. I understand that there are times where we just want to fall into bed, but please try to form such a routine that you can’t sleep with your makeup on at all. It’s really important that our skin gets a break from all of stuff we put on our faces. Skin needs to breathe, and it can’t do that until you remove all the junk. Combining what is already on our bedding with make up can cause more problems than you may think.

Not to get gross, but there are bugs out there called body lice. They like to live in clothes and even in our bed sheets. Regular hair lice are actually attracted to clean hair, it’s counterpart, not so much. We may not see washing our bedding as personal hygiene, but we really should! Imagine you get sweaty a couple nights a week and you just keep sleeping in that sweat. Sweat doesn’t only contain salty water. It can contain bacteria, toxins, and other nasty things that we don’t need to be sleeping in for hours every day. Washing your sheets once a week is something we should all be doing.
Women Need to be Extra Careful with Personal Hygiene
Not trying to push the boundaries, or make you uncomfortable, but as women, we get periods. We need to be aware that we need to care for ourselves differently than men. Although some of our personal hygiene requirements may be the same, they don’t have lady parts to care for.
Some women douche while others just let their bodies clean themselves. Both of these methods are fine but showering regularly during our periods can prevent urinary tract infections, yeast infections, bad smells, and more. Being on our periods can be a lot all on its own. Don’t add to the struggle by not taking care of yourself.
Our routines don’t have to include a lot of products or techniques. Simply showering is important, but you can buy washing products that are made just for us women. Every woman is different, but society is becoming more aware of that over time. It’s so much easier to find products nowadays that are suited for women like us. Some of us need help with odor control, among other things, there are soaps for that, and we should be using them if needed.
Something as simple as wearing breathable underwear, think cotton, can really help us be more comfortable. Whether you wear pads, tampons, or even diva cups, you can benefit from wearing comfortable underwear. Don’t feel weird if you still prefer to wear fancy frilly underwear during your period. There’re zero things wrong with that, but there’s no shame in some really comfortable granny panties either.
Even beyond our periods though, we as women are probably aware that we can sweat. Even down there. Making sure you don’t only wear breathable underwear, especially in the summer months, but also wear pants that will give us some air really helps. Understand, that it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Men sweat down there too. It’s not comfortable feeling sweaty though so if there are a couple things you can do to prevent that, why not?
Personal Hygiene is Linked to Self-Esteem
The better care we take care of ourselves, the better we will feel about us. If we’re all greasy and sweaty, we’re probably not feeling too cute. Although what we’ve discussed so far is very important, so is how we feel about ourselves. Being healthy, both body and mind are so key to being happy in life.

Have you ever noticed that achieving your goals gives you more motivation? When I get my walk done in the morning, my days tend to go a lot smoother and I get more done. Working out is so important for so many different parts of our bodies. As a full-figured woman, I’ve heard how important a good exercise routine is more times than I’d care to count. They’re right though. I may not be able to run for very long, but I can walk. Do whatever you can do without hurting yourself. Getting hurt by pushing it too far actually pushes you back.
A great way to care for our minds is journaling. Picture this, a great warm bath, your favorite tv show playing in the background, and a cute journal and pen in hand. You can write about the good and the bad. Don’t criticize yourself either. If you have a day of just crap, let it be crap. Obviously, you shouldn’t be feeling too crappy too often or there could be an underlying condition going on. If you have a bad day here and there though, write it down. Write about what exactly sucked and why it hurt you. Writing is scientifically proven to help get rid of the negative energies we can get sucked in to.
Don’t expect yourself to feel better right away. It very well could bump you up for a short time, but it’s going to take perseverance. The more you do your routine, the easier it will become. All of these different ideas could easily become part of your routine. It doesn’t have to happen all at once. Add one new item a day, or even one new item a week. Take it as slow as you need but have a plan. It’s really important.
Personal Hygiene Effects our Relationships
We may not think about how taking care of ourselves effects our relationships. We talked about how strangers or acquaintances see us, but the people closest to us matter so much more. Our parents, siblings, husbands, boyfriend, girlfriends, etc. want to see us well. The ones closest to you will notice faster for sure. If you think you may be struggling with something, ask those closest to you or the friend/person you trust the most. Having a blunt friend can come in handy here.
We talked about taking care of ourselves as women earlier. If you’re in a relationship though, it becomes that much more important. Maintaining a healthy sex life within our romantic relationships is so important. I know I’m less likely to be intimate with my husband if I didn’t shower that day. I never want him to see me as dirty, not that I’m always spotless or even put together. I should be the majority of the time though because I’m capable. I don’t need to smell like a rose all day and neither do you, but not smelling like a garbage truck (as a sweater, I can be smelly if I don’t take care of myself) definitely helps me feel more comfortable romantically with my husband.
Say Something
If you have a friend who may be struggling in this area, please tell them. Don’t go jumping down their throats and causing a fight. They may know there’s something wrong but may not feel as if they can do anything about it. It’s more about support than anything. Try asking what’s wrong and what you can do to help. Being a good friend is how you make good friends. You could also offer advice as you should know them well. You should know what could make them feel better and what they enjoy. Be kind but be honest. They’ll appreciate it in the long run, I promise.
Personal Hygiene Also Means our Homes
Personal hygiene goes beyond our bodies and minds. It’s not only about keeping our bedding clean or making sure we wear clean clothes. We spend so much time at home and the cleaner our home is the cleaner we will be. Do you need to be able to rub a white glove across all surfaces and find no dust? No! Keeping your most frequent rooms clean is the best place to start though.
I think we can think of some of the grossest areas of our homes without thinking about it too much. Our bathrooms for instance. We all use them, we all poop. It’s not something we should be spreading around the rest of our house though. It doesn’t take long to quickly wipe down our counters, sink, and toilets. My husband and I take turns doing chores like these, it wouldn’t be overwhelming for me to do on my own though. It takes all of 3 minutes for us to get these things done. Beyond being clean though, I love knowing that no matter when company comes over, my bathroom is probably presentable. My kids could destroy it in no time, so it’s never perfect, but at least there shouldn’t be evidence of my boys’ lack of aim. That’s never cute, but it happens. Just making the effort really matters.

Places like our kitchens should also stay rather clean. We prepare food and eat in there. If we put germs and bacteria in our bodies, we’ll either get sick or suffer from other inconveniences. There are ways to keep up on it, so it doesn’t get overwhelming. I hate going to bed with a dirty kitchen. The last thing I want to do when I wake up is clean right off the bat. If you don’t have a dishwasher, take the 10 or 20 minutes to wash the dishes. If you are blessed with a dishwasher, make sure you unload it in the morning or the night before and put your dirty dishes in there as you go. Kids can learn to do this at a young age. I don’t let my two-year-old do this on her own, because she likes to get into the silverware. Nothing’s stopping my older three from doing this themselves. If it’s going to take quite a bit of time, find a way to make it less boring. Turn on some music and dance or put on your favorite show. If you’re married, try taking turns or doing it together. We all get burned out on a lot of everyday chores so I’m sure a supporting partner understands.
There are simple things we can do to make cleaning easier. If you have the room, keep cleaners in each bathroom so you don’t have to go to another room just to grab your spray. If you don’t have the space for that, grab whatever you need before you even get started. If all the sprays, rags, or paper towels that you need are within arm’s reach, you’ll get done that much faster.
I don’t know many people who cheer whenever they hear their dryer go off. Although putting the laundry into the washer and then putting it into the dryer isn’t too hard, folding it is a whole other thing. Although it’s not a big deal to keep it in a hamper, leaving it on a floor is rather counterproductive. Also, not to be nitpicky, but if you’re digging through hampers all the time, your touching everything again and just spreading any gross germs and nastiness even further. Although the floor is more likely to be dirtier than your hands, you never really know. Also, leaving clothes in the washer for a long time can cause mold. I get that there could be clothes in the dryer and throwing more clothes into the pile can just make you feel worse, you really don’t want to deal with mold.
Keeping up with simple things like these, really make a difference to our personal hygiene. Keeping a clean home doesn’t only help our own personal hygiene, but it also helps our families and/or anyone else who comes to visit.
What I Want You to Take Away from This
There are many important routines that we should have in our day but taking care of ourselves should be number one. I hear that taking care of our loved ones and kids come before us, but if we don’t take care of ourselves, how well can we really take care of them? Although teaching them to take good care of themselves is important, kids really do learn from example. Also, if you’re in a relationship, taking good care of yourself can keep your relationship in a good place. We should love ourselves and others enough to take the time for us. We as people are generally a good group of folks. I know we have good intentions and probably don’t mean to let ourselves slip or stop caring. Sometimes it just happens and that’s okay. Just don’t give up on yourself. You’re worth the effort and you can do it.